Design and Storyboard

Before you can build you have to develop a plan


From a simple sketch to an interactive layout, the purpose of a storyboard in eLearning development is to act as a visual and organizational blueprint for the entire course. Like a guide map for the upcoming development process! Storyboards are crucial because they outline the structure, flow, and content of the course in a clear and systematic way.

By using a storyboard, instructional designers can plan and visualize the sequence of information, interactions, assessments, and multimedia elements that will be included in the eLearning module. This ensures the content is logically structured and cohesive, making it easy for learners to follow the learning journey smoothly.

Storyboarding also promotes collaboration among stakeholders, subject matter experts, and the development team. By sharing the storyboard, everyone can review and provide feedback before the actual course development begins. This collaborative approach ensures alignment and allows for any necessary changes or improvements early in the process, saving time and effort down the road.

Simple Sketch

Larger Storyboard

Design Guide and final solution

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